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Calvin Maighan
Calvin Maighan
Apr 30th, 2023
2 min read
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Invite your friends to read this article and earn when they join Buddy and explore web3! Launch the app to discover more rewards!

Buddy Link 🤗 The bedrock of next-gen Marketing & Community Growth

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Buddy is a treasure trove of cool products for users to explore, providing handy tools to manage referrals and marketing for projects. In our experience, the best referral systems feel like a game, giving users that extra buzz when they invite friends to join the fun.

In this article, we'll dive into the different marketing channels, discover how to unlock the full potential of web3, and encourage you to jump in and make a splash today.

Marketing Channels 101

In today's business world, there are many marketing channels to choose from. The simplest referral system rewards users who tell their friends about a brand, increasing trust. Influencers use their fame to reach more people. Advertisers pay for ads on platforms to catch users' attention, and affiliate marketers make money when they help sell products using tools to track their success. All of these strategies can work in web3, but they first need good products for users to share and recommend.

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A Preview of Buddy Link at the Solana Hacker House

These experiences sound appealing, but each has its own challenges. Referrals typically require users to share links or invite codes with friends for a signup page. Influencers, on the other hand, might risk their reputation when taking on sponsored deals. Advertisers often use collected personal information to target users. Top affiliates sometimes find themselves in ongoing disputes over the money they've earned.

A more exciting approach is itching to be discovered. The power of web3 is about to change the game, so let’s dive into a whole new world of referral possibilities.

Unleashing the power of Web3

The referral and affiliate marketing industry is already a multi-billion dollar space, and the integration with Web3 technologies only amplifies its potential. The world of Web3 comes with a shared passion and excitement for decentralized technology. Buddy helps share that passion and excitement by creating a collaborative environment powered by its trustless protocol.

The protocol functions as a composable program, allowing projects to incorporate the "Create Buddy" instruction into any transaction they like. On Solana, a single transaction can have multiple instructions, even from different programs. That's the magic of Web3! From then on, buddies can be accessed through the wallet, and the referrer stays linked forever!

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Two buddy NFTs exploring the city

This approach offers numerous perks. Affiliates can verify their attribution on-chain, so you can see your earnings for yourself, and nobody can snatch that away in the future. Plus, rewards can be paid instantly within the same transaction by adding a transfer instruction to any user action. The result? A speedy and transparent model with zero chance of failed instructions between transactions, unlike web2.

It's evident that referral systems and affiliate marketing are on the verge of a massive shift. By harnessing the power of Web3, businesses can craft more engaging, streamlined, and reliable experiences for users and affiliates alike!


As we've explored, the platform offers innovative solutions to overcome the challenges faced by traditional marketing channels, creating a more enjoyable and transparent experience for users, influencers, and affiliates. So, get ready to embark on this exciting journey and experience the transformative impact of Buddy as we unleash the full potential of Web3!

Calvin Maighan

Calvin Maighan

Calvin aims to help projects become more trustless, and is obsessed with keeping users safe. He believes that businesses of the future will build in public, be autonomous, and be fully transparent.
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